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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed nibh dignissim, cursus tellus sit amet, ultrices mauris. Aliquam blandit est in eros elementum, quis vehicula est suscipit. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis consectetur, risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet risus. Maecenas ornare nisl a tortor ultrices bibendum. Nulla fermentum, metus quis sodales tristique, augue mauris molestie augue non feugiat ligula neque nec felis.
Proin cursus, dolor a mollis consectetur, risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet risus. Maecenas ornare nisl a tortor ultrices bibendum. Nulla fermentum, metus quis sodales tristique, augue mauris molestie augue non feugiat ligula neque nec felis.
Lectus erat, consectetur eu sapien eget rhoncus consectetur sem. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis consectetur, risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet risus. Maecenas ornare nisl a tortor ultrices bibendum. Nulla fermentum, metus quis sodales tristique, augue mauris molestie augue, non feugiat ligula neque nec felis.
About this Process
Maecenas ornare nisl
- A tortor ultrices bibendum
- Nulla fermentum
- Metus quis
- Sodales tristique
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(346) 234-6973
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What we here at FRER Horse Sales consider sound is: Sight out of both eyes, good in the air, hit the ground sound on all four, and not to crib.
Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM)
1. The horse(s) has/have not been on a premise where T.equigenitalis has been isolated during the 60 days immediately preceding exportation or a premise currently under quarantine or investigation for CEM. Any females in the shipment have not been bred naturally to, or inseminated with, semen from a stallion positive for CEM, or a stallion resident upon a positive premise or under quarantine or investigation for CEM. Showed no signs of CEM on the day of inspection.
2. During the previous twenty-one (21) days, the animal(s) in this shipment has/have not been in the States of Texas and New Mexico.
Equine Infectious Anemia
Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.